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If I file for an LLC as a single member, can I still acquire an EIN number?

If I file for an LLC as a single member, can I still acquire an EIN number?

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If I file for an LLC as a single member, can I still acquire an EIN number?

Question – If I file for an LLC as a single member, can I still acquire an EIN number?

Our Response – In some cases a single-member LLC (or a sole proprietorship) will be required to register for an EIN. 

An EIN is not needed for a sole proprietorship or single-member LLC electing to be taxed like a sole proprietorship AND has no employees. 

An LLC that elects to be taxed as a sole proprietorship AND has employees OR a single-member LLC the elects to be taxed as a corporation will need an EIN.

Applying for an EIN takes about 5 minutes.  See more information on how to apply for an EIN.  

Related Article – Does a Single-Member LLC need an EIN?

If I file for an LLC as a single member, can I still acquire an EIN number?

If I file for an LLC as a single member, can I still acquire an EIN number?

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