If you’re planning to start a business in Alaska using a specific name, you may need to register for a business name. Business name registration is commonly referred to as an Alaska DBA or “Doing Business As.”
To see if you need to register for an Alaska DBA and steps on how to register, check out this guide.
Related: Starting A Business In Alaska Checklist
Who needs to register for an Alaska DBA?
An Alaska DBA is a name under which a business operates that is different from the owner’s personal name (for sole proprietorships and partnerships) or the official name of the business entity (for corporations and LLCs). It allows businesses to conduct operations under a name that may be more marketable or relevant to their products or services.
Sole proprietorships and partnerships are the most common type of business structure to want to register a business name. Many will operate under the owner’s first and last name, which doesn’t need to be registered; however, many want to operate under a distinct and brandable business name.
Even though it’s optional, the reason a sole proprietorship and partnership in Alaska would consider registering their business name is because:
- Registration proves the business exists (often important for opening a business bank account or registering with a vendor)
- No other business can register the same name in Alaska.
Related: How To Start A Sole Proprietorship In Alaska
A corporation and Limited Liability Company won’t typically register for an Alaska DBA since a unique entity name is created during the entity formation process. However, some will want to register for a DBA if they have another business they want to operate under the umbrella of their current business. This can allow multiple businesses to operate with the liability protection of an Alaska LLC or corporation without forming another entity.
Steps to Register an Alaska DBA
Step 1: Register for a business license
Before registering a business name in Alaska for a sole proprietorship or partnership, a state of Alaska business license is required.
Related: How To Register A Business in Alaska
Step 2: Check for name availability
Before you move forward with the DBA filing process, you need to make sure that your business name is available. Conduct an Alaska business entity search on the Alaska Department of Commerce website to see whether another business is using your name.
In addition to this search, it’s recommended to search other records, such as the Internet, business license records, professional license records, phonebooks, etc.
Step 3: Fill out the Business Name Registration form
Download the Business Name Registration form (Form 08-557) or fill it out online.
Information needed on the form includes:
- Requested business name
- Business license number
- Type of business entity (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or LLC)
- Business street and mailing address
- Name & address of the business owner(s)
- Business description
Step 4: Submit the application and filing fee
If filing online, pay and submit the application. If mailing, send the form and fee to:
Corporations Section
Alaska Division of Occupational Licensing
Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
P.O. Box 110808
Juneau, AK 99811-0808
Alaska DBA FAQs
How much does an Alaska DBA cost?
The filing fee for a DBA is $25.00 and is paid to the Alaska Division of Corporations.
The DBA is renewed every five years.
Are there any naming restrictions when filing an Alaska DBA?
There are a few restrictions when registering a fictitious name in Alaska.
– Registered entity designator – The words “incorporation,” “corporation,” “Inc.,” “LLC,” “Limited Liability Company,” “Ltd.,” “Co.,” “Limited Partnership,” “Limited Liability Partnership,” “LLP” or any other entity identifier cannot be used.
– Government affiliated words – Words such as “city,” “township,” “village,” “borough,” or other words that may indicate affiliation with the government may not be used.
– Vulgar or obscene words – No wording in a business name that is considered vulgar or obscene can be used.
– Distinguishable – Each registered business name has to be distinguishable from other names on record. Alaska Regulation 3 AAC 16.120(a)(1) defines what makes a business name distinguishable. Some common elements that don’t make a name distinguishable include:
– Capitalization
– Spacing of words
– Spelling a number versus the number itself
– Words such as “a,” “an,” “the,” “by,” “to,” “for,” “with”…
Can someone use my business name after registering an Alaska DBA?
While registering your Trade Name will keep someone else from registering the exact same name in Alaska, it does very little to stop someone else from operating a business under that name in other states.
If stopping others from using your business name is important, you can protect it through a federal trademark through the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.
Learn more about trademarking a business name.