A Missouri Charter Number is a unique identifier assigned by the Missouri Secretary of State to a corporation, Limited Liability Companies (LLC) and Limited Partnership (LP). The number is used by the state to keep track of businesses and their filings. The charter number is also sometimes referred to as a “certificate of authority number,” “corporation charter number,” “corporate registration number,” or “entity number.”
A few of the uses of a Missouri Carter Number include:
- Registering for a Missouri sales tax license from the Missouri Department of Revenue
- Registering a Fictitious Name for a Missouri entity,
- Applying for a business license
- Filing an annual report with the Missouri Secretary of State
Common Questions
Do I need a Missouri Charter Number?
Yes, if you are incorporating or forming an LLC or LP in Missouri, the Secretary of State will automatically register a Charter Number for your entity.
How do I look up a Missouri Charter Number?
The easiest way to look up a Charter Number is on the Missouri Secretary of State website.
You can find your Missouri charter number by contacting the Missouri Secretary of State’s office or doing a Missouri business name search.
Is a Charter Number the same as a Missouri Tax ID Number?
No, a charter number is not the same as a tax ID number.
A charter number is assigned by the state of Missouri and is used to identify a business entity.
A Tax ID Number (usually referred to as an Employer Identification Number or EIN) is a unique number assigned to a business by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). EIN numbers are not only used to identify a business when filing a tax return but are also needed before hiring employees or opening a business bank account.
How much does a Missouri Charter Number cost?
There is no fee to obtain a Missouri charter number.
Can you search for a business in Missouri using a Charter Number?
Yes, you can use the Missouri Business Entity Search to find businesses by their charter number.
What does a Missouri Charter Number look like?
Missouri charter numbers are between 7 and 9 digits long and may start with the letters, depending on the filing type (LC for LLC, N for Nonprofit, X for Fictitious Name, F for Foreign entity)
Here is an example of what a Missouri charter number might look like: the City Taco Shack LLC – LLC00162088412345678.
If you have more questions about the Missouri Charter Number, you can the Missouri Secretary of State by phone at (573) 751-4153, or by email at sos@sos.mo.gov. You can also visit their website at www.sos.mo.gov for more information.