If you’re planning to start a business in Michigan using a specific name, you may need to register for a business name. Business name registration is commonly referred to as a Michigan DBA, “Doing Business As,” or Fictitious Business Name, but is officially called an Assumed Name.
To see if you need to register for a Michigan Assumed Name and steps on how to register, check out our guide.
Related: How to start a business in Michigan
Who needs to register for a Michigan Assumed Name?
The requirements and filing process for an Assumed Name vary depending on the type of business structure.
Sole proprietorships and general partnerships are the most common entities to register for a DBA.
The legal name of a sole proprietorship or partnership in Michigan can be the owner’s full first and last name, which can be used without registering. For example, if John Smith starts a business repairing computers but doesn’t use a business name, he doesn’t have to register. If John decides to name his business John’s Computer Repair, he will need to register.
A corporation, Limited Liability Company and Limited Liability Partnership won’t typically register for a Michigan DBA since a unique entity name is created during the entity formation process. However, some will want to register for a DBA if they have another business or brand name they want to operate in addition to the legal name of the business. This can allow multiple businesses to operate with the liability protection of a Michigan corporation or LLC without having to form another entity.
What are the steps to file a DBA in Michigan?
Sole Proprietorship & General Partnership
Step 1: Obtain the Form
Obtain the “Certificate of Persons Conducting Business Under Assumed Name” from each county where the business will operate. A “Certificate of Persons Conducting Business Under Assumed Name” must be filed with the County Clerks’ office in every county in which business is transacted. The form is available on many County Clerks’ websites or the form is available for pick up at the County Clerk’s office.
Step 2: Verify Name Availability
DBAs must be unique from other business names being used in the state.
To make sure your name isn’t already taken, first do a Michigan business entity search on the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs website.
Next, search the counties where the business will be operating through the County Clerk’s office. Many Clerks have an online name search, while others require manual work.
Step 3: Fill out the Form
Once the name is verified to be available, the form needs to be filled out. Information needed on the form includes:
- Assumed name being registered
- Contact information of the owner(s)
- County or state where the business was organized
- Description of what the business does
Step 4: Notarize the Form
Signatures must be done in front of a notary, so before filing, be sure to have the form notarized. Notary services are usually available at the County Clerk’s office.
Step 5: File the Form
File the form with each county where the business operates.
Corporation & LLC
Step 1: Verify Name Availability
Assumed Names must be unique from other business names being used in the state.
To make sure your name isn’t already taken, do a Michigan business entity search on the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs website.
Step 2: Fill out the Form
Corporations, Limited Partnerships, and LLCs will complete the “Certificate of Assumed Name Form” with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)—Bureau of Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing—Corporations Division.
PDF Form – https://www.michigan.gov/documents/lara/541_08-15_527736_7.pdf
Online – https://cofs.lara.state.mi.us/corpweb/LoginSystem/ExternalLogin.aspx
Information requested includes:
- Name and address of the filer
- Name of the business entity
- Identification number
- Assumed name being requested
Step 3: File the Form
Submit the form along with the filing fee.
If mailing, send to:
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau
Corporations Division
P.O. Box 30054
Lansing, MI 48909
If submitting in person, visit:
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
2501 Woodlake Circle
Okemos, MI 48864
If you have questions about the process, you can contact the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs – 517-241-6470
Michigan DBA FAQs
How much does a DBA cost in Michigan?
Sole Proprietorship & Partnership: Varies by county but is generally $10
Corporation & Limited Partnership: $10
Limited Liability Company: $25
How long does a DBA last in Michigan?
In Michigan, DBAs must be renewed every five years.
Are there any naming restrictions when filing a Michigan DBA?
DBAs can’t be registered using words that are related to banking and insurance unless the business is licensed to provide those services.
Additionally, registered names can’t mislead the public about the actual activities of the business.
Also, an Assumed Name can’t use a business entity suffix that is different from the type of entity. For example, a sole proprietorship can’t use LLC or corporation in its name.
Can someone use my business name after registering a Michigan DBA?
While registering your Trade Name will keep someone else from registering the exact same name in Michigan, it does very little to stop someone else from operating a business under that name in other states.
If stopping others from using your business name is important, you can protect it through a federal trademark through the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.
Learn more about trademarking a business name
Can an LLC have multiple DBAs in Michigan?
There are no limitations to the number of DBAs that can be registered in Michigan.
Does a DBA need an EIN?
An EIN or Employer Identification Number is a unique nine-digit number that some businesses will register for through the Internal Revenue Department (IRS). An EIN is required for partnerships, corporations, multi-member LLCs, or any business that has employees.
Sole proprietorships and single-member LLCs without employees can use the owner’s social security number to identify the business.
There is no cost to get an EIN when registering directly from the IRS.
What is the difference between a Michigan Assumed Name and a business license?
These are actually two different business registrations. In addition to the Michigan Assumed Name registration, most businesses will also need a business license. The licenses a business will need vary depending on what the business does and local registration requirements.